Explaining Phrasal Verbs with "Look"

One thing many English students don’t realize is how much of daily English communication is done with a very limited number of words. Even the simplest words, used correctly, can express a surprisingly large number of ideas. Much of this is due to the power of phrasal verbs.
Adding adverbs and prepositions to very basic verbs will open up students' ability to talk about many more things. So let’s take a moment to present ways to present this very valuable information to them.
This time, we’ll focus specifically on “look." This article includes examples, but of course, feel free to add more during your lessons — these are only suggestions for a starting point. We'll conclude with some discussion questions for testing students' understanding.
Phrasal verbs with look
Look up

Many students will naturally think about looking toward the ceiling when they hear this. That's why this is a good place to start since it will help them to understand that phrasal verbs generally cannot be understood by looking at their literal meanings.
It's also possible that they've already been using this phrasal verb when talking about searching for the meaning of a word or phrase in a dictionary or online.
Simple explanation: to search for (information)
Look out
If your students watch Western action movies, they’ve likely heard this many times before.
This is quite an important phrasal verb to learn since it signals danger and warning. Don’t forget to mention that “watch out” expresses the same idea.
Also, be sure to add that while it’s often used when a danger is physical and immediate, it can also be used for other kinds of danger.
Simple explanation: caution, warning
Look into

It’s possible most students are familiar with the previous two phrasal verbs, but here is where many will enter new territory.
“Looking into” something means researching or examining it closely.
Simple explanation: to research, to investigate
Look for
Here’s another basic one; “looking for” something is simply searching for it. As opposed to "look up," it is primarily used for physical items.
Simple explanation: to search for (objects)
Look after
This is another good one for reminding students that the meaning of phrasal verbs often cannot be understood literally. In this case, it means to watch and protect a person or animal.
Simple explanation: to care for, to protect
Look down on

When a person “looks down on” someone, they feel that they are somehow better than them. Although it can be thought of literally, it is more related to opinions and feelings than to sight/vision.
Simple explanation: to feel one is better than others, to feel superior to
You can also mention the similar expression “look down one’s nose at.”
Look up to
Once students have learned the previous phrasal verb, this one should be easy for them to get, as its meaning is the exact opposite: admiring or having great respect for someone.
Simple explanation: to admire
Look through
This one means to read or examine something quickly. It can be used for actual items or for things that have no physical form, such as information.
Simple explanation: to look at quickly, to scan
Look back
Rather than turning one's head to see behind them, this phrasal verb means remembering and thinking about the past.
Simple explanation: to remember and think about
Look forward to

Instead of remembering the past, this means to be excited about something that has yet to happen.
Simple explanation: to anticipate, to be excited about
Look on
"Looking on" is watching without getting involved in a situation or helping in any way. This one isn't as commonly used as some of the others on this list, so it's probably only worth covering if your students are quite comfortable with all the others.
Simple explanation: to watch
Look around
While this can mean physically turning to look in different directions, it's often used to mean exploring a space or an area.
Simple explanation: to explore
Discussion questions

To make sure students understand — and to give them opportunities to practice — try asking some follow-up questions such as the following:
- Do you look after anyone?
- Has anyone ever looked down on you? How did you feel?
- What's the last English word you looked up?
- Who do you look up to?
- What is something you are looking forward to?
- What time of your life do you often look back on?
- What do you think the expression "look before you leap" means?
- What part of your country or city would you recommend for visitors to look around?
It is essential for students to get comfortable with phrasal verbs if they want to be effective English speakers. Spend some time going over each of the entries on this list and give them time to understand their meanings and how they are used.
It's possible that covering everything listed here could take more than a single lesson to complete. It's better to make sure they fully understand rather than rushing and attempting to complete everything in one go.