Free Talk Ideas for the May Holiday Season

Did you know we're in the midst of a holiday season? In most of our students' countries, some big holidays (and long weekends) are either happening as we speak or just around the corner! Here are the main ones:
- Golden Week in Japan (April 29 - May 8)
- Children's Day in South Korea (May 5)
- Vesak in Thailand (May 8)
This means you'll have plenty of conversation topics to choose from. To get you started, we've prepared some basic information on the holidays along with some discussion questions.
Golden Week in Japan (April 29 - May 8)

Golden Week – one of Japan's three biggest holidays – has officially kicked off! We covered the holiday last year, so we won't go into detail this time, but we do have a happy update: unlike previous years under COVID, there will be a lot more travel this year!
For instance, train reservations for the week are up 60-70% compared to last year. And for the first time in two years, travel agencies have resumed tours to Hawaii – a top Golden Week destination pre-COVID.
- (If your student has travel plans) How does it feel to be traveling again after COVID?
- Are you (or is anyone you know) traveling abroad for Golden Week?
- Do you miss traveling abroad? What is the first country you want to visit after COVID is over?
- Have you traveled anywhere in the last two years? If so, what kind of safety precautions did you take during your travels?
The travel boom is happening as the government relaxes its approach to COVID – a topic that your advanced students might be interested in discussing. For example, the government has eased border controls and a top COVID advisor has said that there's no need to stop social activities anymore.
- What do you think about the government's decision to relax border controls?
- In your opinion, should people start participating in social activities as much as they did before COVID? Why? Why not?
Children’s Day in South Korea (May 5)

In Korea, Children's Day is a public holiday. Parents usually do something special for their kids, like taking them on picnics, dressing them in traditional clothes, and bringing them to fun places like amusement parks, zoos, and movie theaters.
- I heard Children's Day is this week. What are some of your memories of Children's Day growing up?
- Is your town or city hosting any events to celebrate Children's Day?
- How do parents normally prepare for Children's Day?
2022 is a special year as it marks the 100th anniversary of Children's Day. In addition, the country's first global theme park – LEGOLAND – is opening on that day.
- I heard there's a new theme park opening in Korea! Do you plan to go? Why? Why not?
- When was the last time you went to an amusement park? How did you like it?
- Do you like roller coaster rides? Why? Why not?
This will also be the first in a few years that celebrations won't be affected by COVID, as the government recently dropped all COVID restrictions except for the mask mandate. Some students might be interested in discussing this policy change as well as more serious aspects of Children's Day.
- What do you think about the government's decision to drop most COVID restrictions?
- Many holidays are seen as too "commercialized" these days. Do you think this is the case with Children's Day? Why? Why not?
- Do you think children in Korea are happier now than they were in the past? Why? Why not?
- Why do you think there's a holiday that specifically honors children?
You can check out this blog post for general information on this holiday as well as more discussion topics.
Vesak in Thailand (May 8)

Vesak is a holiday that honors the birth, enlightenment, and death of the Buddha. Since Thailand is a Buddhist country, this is a big day for many of our Thai students!
- What do people usually do for Vesak? How does your family celebrate it?
- I hear Vesak honors Buddha's birth, enlightenment, and death. Can you tell me about these events?
- I've heard that Vesak and the Thai New Year are both big holidays in your country. What are some similarities and differences between them?
- What do people do at temples on Vesak?
- If I were to visit Thailand, which Buddhist temples should I visit? Why?
- What are some famous Buddhist temples in your area? What are some differences between Buddhist temples in your area and in the rest of Thailand?
- How should one behave when visiting a Buddhist temple? For example, are there any rules or dress codes?
You can also talk about recent COVID policies and how they'll affect celebrations.
- I heard you can celebrate Vesak at home by participating in online activities. Do you plan to do this?
- I hear the Thai government is relaxing some COVID restrictions. How is your daily life changing as a result?
- In your opinion, what are the pros and cons of reopening the country to tourism?
For more information and discussion topics, check out this blog post.
👋 That’s It For Now
We hope you have a good time talking to students about their holidays in the next couple weeks. If you want even more holiday-themed conversation topics, here are two more holidays that you can ask students about:
- Labor Day weekend in Taiwan and Thailand (April 30 - May 2)
- Mother's Day in Taiwan and Japan (May 8)
Happy tutoring!