Engoo Blog Vocab & Expressions

What Kind of Nerd is Your Student?

What Kind of Nerd is Your Student?

In the past, words like "nerd" and "geek" were rude ways to refer to people who were not cool. Things have changed in recent years, however, and more and more people have become comfortable describing themselves with these words.

With their increased use in pop culture and daily conversation, students should be familiar with these special terms as well as others that are used for describing people with particular hobbies. 

This article will list and explain some of the most common terms for you to share with your students. As some of them refer to quite specific interests, there's a good chance some of these may be completely new to learners. 

What changed?

A woman wearing a shirt printed with the word "GEEK"

Before, nerds and geeks were people who were not stylish in some way. But these terms also referred to people with an intense interest in certain hobbies.

Traditionally, these hobbies were not popular with most people — for example, someone who loved sports would probably not be called a nerd, but someone who enjoyed things like computers or comic books would.

Over time, however, these terms have come to be used no matter what interest a person has. The important thing is not the particular interest, but instead the passion for it. 

All of the terms highlighted below are names for people who have a deep love for something or someone. Surely at least one of these will apply to your students!

General terms


A woman wearing a robe inspired by the Harry Potter series

As we mentioned earlier, these are two of the most common ways to express that someone has a strong interest in something as well as a deep knowledge of it.

My coworker is a Harry Potter nerd. She knows the details of every book in the series.
We're all computer geeks. We want to start our own software company one day.


“Enthusiast” is a slightly more formal word for someone with a deep interest.

The special event attracts plant enthusiasts from around the country.


Students should know that this term is not used alone and must be added after the subject of interest. It is commonly used for people who enjoy cars and history, but it is not limited to those.

I'm no opera buff, but I really enjoyed that performance.
This garage is a popular place for car buffs to hang out.


A woman lying in bed, holding a book and petting her dog

This one is relatively simple to understand.

My friend is an animal lover. She's had lots of different pets over the years.
I’m a music lover, but I don’t know how to play any instruments.


“Nut” is an informal name for someone who is either crazy or simply overly enthusiastic.

Steve is a travel nut. He visits a different country every year.


Here's another term that was originally negative only. These days, it's commonly used for people who know a lot about something and do not accept low-quality versions of it — as well as for people who are simply very arrogant!

He's a coffee snob; he only drinks the high-end, organic brands from specialty stores.


These terms are fairly straightforward and shouldn't require much explanation.

The theater was full of fanboys and fangirls excited to see the new movie.

They can also have a negative nuance, depending on the situation.

The fangirls will harass you on social media if you say anything negative about their favorite artists.


A group of excited fans waving and yelling behind a velvet rope as their favorite celebrity approaches

“Stan” is unique among the other terms so far because it is specifically for someone with an interest in a particular celebrity.

I'm a Christopher Nolan stan. I have to see every one of his films the day they release.

It can also be used as a verb.

She stans BTS.

Students may be interested to learn that this expression originated from a song about an obsessed fan named Stan released by the American rapper Eminem in 2000. Although the song is about a person with an unhealthy interest, the expression is used casually.

Terms for specific interests

The expressions above can be used for a variety of subjects. The ones below, however, are used for very specific hobbies.


The front of a movie theater with its neon signs lit up

Meaning: someone who loves movies

That theater is where cinephiles go to watch movies. They have strict rules about noise and smartphone usage.

Students should also know that "-phile" means "lover," and it can be used for other interests as well. For example, a Japanophile is a lover of Japan and Japanese culture, while a Francophile is the same but for France.


Meaning: someone who loves books

Our son has been a bookworm since he first learned to read.


Meaning: a person who loves trying different kinds of food

With so many great restaurants, this city is amazing for foodies.


A group of photographers holding their cameras pointed toward the sky

Meaning: a person who loves cameras and taking pictures

The day of the eclipse, the park was full of shutterbugs trying to get a great picture.


Meaning: a person with a deep interest in technology

Many techies get excited whenever Apple announces new products.

Gym rat

Meaning: someone who frequently exercises in gyms

Those gym rats spend most of their free time working out.


Meaning: a person with a deep interest in clothing and fashion

The fancy part of town with the famous boutiques is where you can find all the local fashionistas.


Instead of simply saying plainly that they enjoy a hobby, the terms introduced here can help students to have more expressive and casual conversations.

Naturally, you can use these explanations to move into a discussion about your students' interests; do any of these terms describe them or someone they know?

Hobbies are almost always a great conversation topic — after all, most people are excited to talk about their passion.